Sikkehetskontrollspørsmål kl B - Engelsk
BV trafikkskole
Sikkehetskontrollspørsmål kl B - Engelsk
Vehicle Inspection Checklist kl B - English
1. What is the technical authorized maximum towable mass of the trailer this car can pull?
Answer: Look in the Vehicle Registration Certificate (both braked and unbraked)
2. What are the consequences of exciding the limits (previous question)?
Answer: Reduced front wheel traction, the vehicle’s directional stability reduces, total stopping distance increases and increased risk of blending other motorists because the headlights are elevated.
3. What is the drawback of overloading the vehicle?
Answer: Reduced drivability, the total stopping distance increases and increased risk of blending other motorists if the headlights are elevated.
4. What is the maximum towable mass of the trailer this car can pull, if the driver has a category B license?
Answer: Check the Vehicle Registration Certificate, and do the math …
5. Check the brake booster.
Answer: With the engine off, apply the brake pedal repeatedly with medium pressure until the booster reserve is depleted. At least two brake applications should have a power-assisted feel before the pedal hardens noticeably. A pedal that feels hard immediately, or after only one brake application, may have a vacuum leak or a low level of engine vacuum. Then start the engine. The engine will now create a new vacuum, making the pedal soften.
6. Is it safe to drive with a non-working brake booster?
Answer: Because of reduced braking power, it is considered not safe. Besides, the brake pedal will be very hard.
7. Check the level of brake fluid. Visual control in the engine compartment. What do you do if you are low on brake fluid?
Answer: The brake system is using more fluid than normal because the brake pads might be worn. It may also be due to a leakage. Bring the car to a workshop.
8. Check if the brakes are directionally stable.
Answer: Find a straight, flat and traffic-free road, rest your hands lightly on the steering wheel and gently and gradually apply the brakes. The car should not swerve to one side.
9. What might be the reason if the car is swerving to one side (previous question)?
Answer: If you find the vehicles swerves to one side, that could mean that one of your brake linings is more worn and your brakes could require and adjustment.
10. Check the dual hydraulic circuits brake system dashboard warning light.
Answer: Identify the warning light.
11. What do you do if the warning light, in previous question, starts to light during driving?
Answer: Stop and then try to find out what triggered the warning. (The dual hydraulic circuit brake system might be at fault, you are low on brake fluid, or it might be a faulty controller.)
12. Check the ABS dashboard warning light.
Answer: Identify the warning light. It lights up when you start the engine, and should then darken after a few seconds.
13. Check the tires and rims for wear and tear.
Answer: Look for signs of uneven wear, bulges or cracks, or embedded objects that could cause air leaks.
14. What is the most common damage (previous question)?
Answer: Damages to the side of the tire; bulges or cracks in the rim might lead to instability; bubbles on the side of the tire could make the tire weaker.
15. Check the front tires for wear and tear
Answer: Look for signs of uneven wear, bulges or cracks, or embedded objects that could cause air leaks.
16. What can the tires wear tell you?
Answer: Improper inflation pressure leads to uneven wear. Over inflating wears on the centre rib. Under inflating wears on the shoulder rib. If the wear is only on one side, you should bring the car to a shop to check the heel/toe, camber or caster.
17. Check the tire tread depth on the fore carriage.
Answer: Use a tread depth gauge or do a visual control of the tread wear indicator bars. The threshold of snow tires (M·S) are 3 mm, on summer tires it is 1.6 mm. It might be helpful to turn the wheels all the way to one side.
18. What are the risks of driving with tread depth under the legal limit?
Answer: Proper inflation pressure helps optimize distribution of vehicle load, acceleration, braking, and cornering forces in the tread. If the tire pressure is too low, or even too high, the contact patch of the tire tread is not optimized and can increase the risk of aquaplaning. Thus, different parts of the tread may be abraded away more quickly and/or irregularly.
19. What is the correct tire pressure for this car?
Answer: You can find the vehicle manufacturer’s tire pressure specifications on a placard/label affixed to the driver’s door or along the door jam, or in the gas tank lid. You can also check your vehicle owner’s manual for tire pressure recommendations.
20. Check the tire pressure in the front wheels
Answer: Look for signs of uneven wear. Then use a pressure gauge.
21. What is the legal requirement for tire depth?
Answer: The threshold of snow tires (M·S) are 3 mm, on summer tires it is 1.6 mm.
22. What is the correct tire size for this car?
Answer: Check the Vehicle Registration Certificate.
23. Check if the front tires have the correct size.
Answer: Do it.
24. What is the speed rating required on this car?
Answer: Check the Vehicle Registration Certificate (“Min. hast”)
25. Check the back carriage for correct load index.
Answer: Check the Vehicle Registration Certificate (“Min. LI”) and then do a visual control.
26. Check if the braking lights are working.
Answer: Apply the brakes with the warning triangle casing. Do a visual control.
27. Is it safe to drive with no working brake lights?
Answer: No. It might be a blown fuse or a bulb failure
28. Check if the hazard lights are working
Answer: Turn on the lights and then walk around the car to do a visual control.
29. Name a situation where you must use the hazard lights
Answer: E.g. in a situation where you need attention, or at an emergency.
30. Check the alignment of the low beam.
Answer: Turn on the low beam, and then drive toward a wall to see the sharp, asymmetric cut-off
31. What is the draw side of incorrectly aligned headlights?
Answer: The headlamp may be aimed at the oncoming cars instead of straight ahead.
32. Check the front fog lights/headlights
Answer: Turn on the lights and then walk around the car to do a visual control.
33. What is the drawback of using the front fog lights incorrectly
Answer: Blending, irritation and a fine.
34. Check the rear fog lights.
Answer: Turn on the lights and then walk around the car to do a visual control
35. What is the drawback of using fog lights incorrectly?
Answer: It might be blending, especially if driving in a queue.
36. Check the parking lights, rear lights and license plate lights.
Answer: These lights are lit automatically when starting the engine. Do a visual control while walking around the car.
37. Name a situation where it is necessary to use the parking lights.
Answer: When parking/stopping in the darkness
38. Check the steering
Answer: Check the steering angle to both sides, backlash (max 2-3 cm), the ability for the steering wheel to centre itself, abnormal noises and the car’s directional stability
39. What might the reason be if the car is not directional stable?
Answer: Problems with the fore carriage like uneven tire pressure or a misalignment in the suspension
40. Check if the power steering is working
Answer: Gentle pressure on the steering wheel, maintained while the engine is started, should result in a slight but noticeable movement as the system begins to operate.
41. Is it safe to drive with no working power steering?
Answer: Yes, but the steering will be heavy. With a electro-magnetic steering you can damage the steering system further.
42. Check if the car’s steering stability
Answer: On a straight road, free of cars, rest your hands lightly on the steering wheel and drive at a steady pace (30 km/h). If you feel the vehicle pulling to one side, then the wheels may be misaligned.
43. What might be the reason for a misalignment (previous question)?
Answer: Problems with the fore carriage like wrong tire pressure or a misalignment in the suspension.
44. Locate the safety vest.
Answer: The safety vest must be accessible from the driver’s seat, e.g. in the door compartment, glove compartment or under the seat.
45. Where should to place the warning triangle in case of emergency
Answer: The warning triangle must be well visible to other motorists. In urban areas, you should consider the crossroads. Outside urban areas, place it about 100-200 meters from the vehicle in distress
46. How would you clean the windscreen using the windscreen washer and wipers?
Answer: Operate control to wash and wipe windscreen.
47. What do you check during a visual control of the wiper blades?
Answer: Check the blade for damage, deformation or if the rubber has hardened.
48. Adjust the heater to remove ice and dew from the windows
Answer: Adjust the vents and temperature. Turn on the rear window defrost grid and side mirror defroster.
49. Adjust the heating and ventilation system to keep a pleasant atmosphere.
Answer: Operate the temperature control
50. Remove dew from the rear window
Answer: Turn on the rear window defrost grid.
51. Remove dew from the side mirrors.
Answer: Turn on the side mirrors defroster.
52. Check if the battery is tightened firmly.
Answer: Open the bonnet, try to push the battery. It should remain stuck
53. What might happen if the battery is not tightened firmly?
Answer: It can lead to leakage and short-circuit
54. Check the horn
Answer: Press the horn button (on the steering wheel)
55. Check the windscreen washer.
Answer: Operate control.
56. Locate where to refill the windscreen washer fluid.
Answer: Open the bonnet, identify the reservoir
57. Check the seat belts.
Answer: Check for wear, tear and damages on all seat belts. The the locking retractors.
58. What is the risk of using a belt with a non[1]working locking retractor, pretensioner or web clamp?
Answer: In case of a sudden braking or collision event, the belt will not hold the occupant in position.
59. Locate and mount the warning triangle.
Answer: Yes, get on doing it …
60. How far from the situation, should you place the warning triangle?
Answer: Mount the triangle at the car. With the safety vest on, have the reflective side of the triangle towards oncoming traffic, and walk 200-300 meters in rural areas.
61. Activate the hazard lights.
Answer: Press the hazard lights button.
62. Which lights should not be turned on together with the hazard lights?
Answer: The hazard light will not be visible if you have the headlights on
63. Check the airbag dashboard warning light.
Answer: Identify the warning light. It lights up when you start the engine, and should then darken after a few seconds.
64. Who should not be seated in front of an airbag?
Answer: Children and persons of short stature.
65. Check the engine oil level.
Answer: Locate the dipstick. Pull the stick out and wipe the oil residue off the end. Replace the stick and pull it out again; this time look at the end of the stick that was in the engine. You want the oil to be below «full» and over «min»
66. Locate where to refill engine oil
Answer: Locate the oil fill lid in the engine compartment
67. Check that you have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid.
Answer: Open the bonnet, identify where the brake fluid reservoir is and check level against high/low markings.
68. Check that you have a safe level of engine coolant
Answer: Open the bonnet, identify where the engine coolant reservoir is and check level against high/low markings
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